Project #2 - Germany => End of 1st Month

20th December 2008
Today is that time again where i'm now in Bangkok waiting for my flight but this time is going different direction. Perviously i was here waiting my connecting flight to Munich but this time, i'm waiting to go back my home in Penang.......really excited just thinking about it.
Anyway, i won't be boarding my flight in another 3-4 hours time, so might as well just click something on the net just to kill time or perhaps watch some movies which i have downloaded but not yet seen it.

Just to have some updates on my journey, the following pictures will show the journey i took from previous Monday onwards. Enjoy!!!

Project #2 - Germany => A Trip To Salzburg, Austria

14th December 2008
Yesterday, as plan, we went to Austria for a day trip. The location of our trip to Salzburg, the 4th most beautiful city in Austria and the birth place of the famous Mozart as well as the location where the Sound Of Music was born.
We manage to rent a car a day earlier and lucky for us, there was a GPS inside and thus, make our trip easier. We, initially, with the help of our local friend here,plan to ride the car till Burmoos for a train ride in to the city but change our mind last minute for some reasons. It was about an hour journey from our place to Salzburgand the ride was a smooth one in deed as there were not many cars around. We set out at 8.30am and by the time we reached there, it was around 9.25am which means we have plenty of time to roam around. So, from here onwards, my journey will take you through our experience by using pictures, so enjoy.

Project #2 - Germany => My Scrumptious Meal

9th December 2008
Pictures below shows what i normally eat during my weekdays, either at work or at home................he he he.........actually, not everyday except for the one shows the salad and yogurt. I do take take most of the days as i can't eat much there. Normally, i will eat a lot during dinner and thus, by the time i take my lunch the next day, i still feel the pork rib i took the day before, still swimming in my end up i eat less during lunch lo. Hopefully i can change this kind of diet as, Malaysian, this is so called, heavy meal already.......crab......crab......crab.....actually i like my dinner.......he he he.

My office lunch. This one cost me around EURO$2.80 for both items

My dinner in Burghausen town. The restaurant is called Chilli - This Pork Rib and Chicken Wings cost EURO$9.80. Just for your information, plain water and weisse beer cost almost the same. So, whoever of you guys like to drink beer, please order beer rather then still water.

Project #2 - Germany => To Munich

7th December 2008
Munich, well, what can i say about it? I bet most of you guys heard this, Bayern Munich before right?
Ei, its not the name of a bread ok...... its the famous football club in Germany if not the least i know them that is.......
So, today, we, me and my colleagues, took the chance to go to this fantastic place, which is the capital by the way, and explore something we have never explore before until this morning. I would say that it was a great experience to go to an old
town full of traditions and not to mention the astonishing architecture finishing on the building lining up left and right of your path. You would be able to see all those pictures below and hopefully, you guys would be able to enjoy itas i did.
Anyway, before i start with all those pictures, i would start off a little small summary of what we did and went through in this trip.So, get ready to listen to my sleepy story ok........

Project #2 - Burghausen, Germany => Burghausen Castle

30th November 2008
Today is Sunday here and we have decided to go to our nearest tourist attraction place here in Burghausen. As the town has it, its a Castle town where
this small town was created many centuries ago by the people who resides inside the Burghausen Castle itself. For this, i manage to take a step back into the past
by exploring the castle itself and its surrounding buildings. Just for your information, the castle is the longest in Europe measuring 1043m from end to end. Below are all the images that i manage to take and i hope you do enjoy it.

Project #2 - Burghausen, Germany => The 1st Weekend

29th November 2008
This is my first weekend here and believe me, i've been looking forward to it for many days now. This is the day that i would be able to look out and say, i can go out to have fun without having to walk to office...... he he he. This is also the day i can go out and have a look around tourist attraction places and since i'm out here and not in Malaysia, getting around is the first priority after work ke ke.

Our Lunch for 1st Saturday here in Burghausen. This dish was prepared by my colleagues.

Another dish for our lunch. I didn't prepare it, if you are asking that is. Surprisingly, our lunch that we prepared ourselves did not cost more then EURO$5.

Project #2 - Burghausen, Germany => The 1st Week

27th November 2008
Normally, our weekdays are dedicated to work and when i say work, i mean only work. We don't really go out to have fun althought i'm not saying that 'fun' does not
live within us but just that, we, mostly, would spend our time indoor to settle any outstanding work that we might bring back or at least just surf net. That's typically our work consist of and also in another word, we are conserving our energy to go party during weekend.......he he he.

Chicken fried rice taken in a Thai restaurant which operated by Vietnamese. The price of this dish is EURO$4.00

Don't ask me about the name of this dish (some sort of pancake) but what i can tell you, its one amazing dish. Its like one roti canai covering the content which is the ais-cream while they light the whole plate with fire that was pour with wine before it.

29th November 2008

Friday morning. Scenery taken from our apartment balcony

Beautiful scenery from the front yard of my apartment

My indoor attire. T-shirt + Jacket + Jean

This apple juice cost around EURO$0.65. Its 0.5 liter

Greek restaurant that we went to on Friday night. This restaurant is located at the heart of Burghausen

The menu to the Greek Restaurant

Greek Restaurant - Salad

Greek Restaurant - Main Dish cost EURO$13.50 inclusive of the above salad

Longest castle in Europe - Night View

The biggest church in Burghausen - Night View

Longest castle in Europe - Night View

Burghausen Old Town - Night View

Project #2 - Burghausen, Germany => The Arrival

21st November 2008
So.....after 3 weeks of sunny hot weather in Penang, i'm off to another project which currently, will bring me to cloudy/rainy season of Burghausen which located in Germany, 2 hours drive from Munich. For your information, they are expecting snow anytime soon and the temperature there now will bring you between -3C to 5C. So please take note that you are going to freeze to death of you don't wear proper attire.

Anyway, me and my colleague will take the plane from Penang to Bangkok 1st before heading to Munich airport and this time around, we are going to fly with Thai Airlines which suppose to be not bad at all, as so people said that is. The flight from Penang to Bangkok will take us around 1 hour and 40 min while the one from Suvarnabhumi Int Airport to Munich will take us around 12 hours and this does not include the transit time when we are in Bangkok which will take us at least 5 hours idling there. After that, we are going to take around 2 hours taxi ride from Munich Airport to our final destination of Burghausen, which is to the border of Austria. So, this whole trip will cost us at least 20 hours long hour journey but since this is my 1st time there, to hell with it right....... kekekeke.

Anyway, before you go to Germany, please make sure u bring suitable clothing but that is not the main issue here, make sure you remember to prepare all those necessary plug adapter that you might want to use there since we all depend on electronics gadgets nowdays. Below is the image of the plug adapter that you are expecting to use over there:

Now i'm in Suvarnabhumi Airport in Bangkok and the local time is 12.48pm with our Malaysia time at 1.48pm. I'm now basically sitting and relaxing in the lounge for GoldCard Member from Kris Flyers and fuh, the place is not bad at all. Got free food to eat and free drinks ranging from non alcoholic beverages to alholic beverages. Well, i don't want to make myself stuff with all thos food as at 2.10pm local time, i will be boarding the plane to Munich. Pictures below tells you the journey i took from Penang till where i'm sitting now.

On the plane to Bangkok for the next flight. You are looking at Penang Island

The food on the plane. No goooooooooood......!

Suvarnabhumi Airport- Outside View

Suvarnabhumi Airport- Inside View

Suvarnabhumi Airport- VIP Lounge

Suvarnabhumi Airport- VIP Lounge

21st November 2008
After sit for 6 hours in Bangkok airport, we board the next plane to Munich at around 2.10pm local time. For this kind of long haul flight, we get around 2 full meals to cover the whole journey, one for lunch and another one for dinner. 11 hours and 40 minutes is not a small duration to be on the plane as its tiring and all but then again, being able to see the himalayas as well as spectacular view outside make all the fatigue went away. So, if you guys manage to take a plan from Malaysia to Munich, remember to take the window seating ok. Once i reach Munich Airport at around 7.45pm, we were wisk away on a taxi to Burghausen which took us around 1 hour 20 minutes journey and by the time i arrive in my apartment, it was around 9 something pm.

On the plane from Bangkok to Munich - The 1st Food (Salmon) so only

On the plane from Bangkok to Munich - The 2nd Food (Lamb)......this one terrible

On the plane from Bangkok to Munich - Outside view over India

On the plane from Bangkok to Munich - Outside View over Turkministan

Snow comes down occasionally these few days and it started about 2 days back and when i woke up this morning around 4am local time, it was snowing and that was my first
witness to the majestic event of life itself. Well, i can say that it was quite cold outside but since i was feeling the heat of all the excitement outside, i could not feel the numbness of cold at all. It was a great experience and i definately enjoy it and i hope you guys would too if have the chance.

The view outside my apartment window

The view outside my apartment window

Our breakfast which covers meat, vege as well as nice drinks. The meat or what you can see is the ham is quit cheap. One packet, 12 slices, cost about EURO$0.80

The view outside my apartment garden.

A view from in front of our apartment where we stayed.

A view from one of the apartment window

A view from one of the apartment window a day before.

Office View from one of the office window

Project #1 - Taiwan (Part 2)

From the previous posting, you guys can see how i went tru my life in the first month i'm here in Taiwan, so this new posting, i will try to tell you on the second trip back here under the same project. I just got back here last week as i were back in Penang for one week. What has been keeping me away from this blog for the 1st week you may ask?..... Well, i did not go anywhere for one thing and another thing is that, i got no new story to add in as all i have been through for the past week has been all a repetition from the previous blog.....kekekeke......kinda boring isn' it?....

Anyway, perhaps you may know, Taiwan is facing with weather crisis which put everyone in danger here from floods, strong wind and etc. For your information, this so called typhoon was categorized as Level 3 typhoon and is name after an ancient Goddess, 'Sinlaku' or 'Marce' by another folks saying. Its moving from the Philippines towards Japan and since Taiwan is in the middle, its not spare from its wrath. Its schedule to hit Taiwan this weekend from Friday till Monday or maybe Tuesday. So, thats mean i can't go anywhere also this weekend.

The stockpile for myself over the weekend since we cant go out already bcoz of heavy rain and wind.

Early morning of Sunday with typhoon at its peak but only at night. Now its drizzling only and heavy wind occasionally

At current time, 9.36pm, 14th September 2008, the storm has gathered power and now is much more stronger at where i am but still, is not as devastated as the one in the eastern side of Taiwan i would say. From the reports, seems that this storm would be over my tomorrow but who knows rite, they keep changing it every hour.
I've been in my room all day for the past 2 days and my head is already spinning and i'm seeing a lot of stars cicling my head now...*sigh. but what can we do...... i rather stay inside my room then have my face appearing in the next newspaper right... kekekeke......dead due to flying across town.....kekekeke.

Heavy rain and wind pounding the earthern side of Taiwan. Picture by Reuter

This image was just taken at 9.15pm, 14th September 2008 - Its raining and windy outside but still consider nothing to the one at the eastern part.

(20th September 2008 - Saturday) So, today is another weekend for me in Taiwan and what a week......kinda hectic in work. Anyway, last week we were having this torrential typhoon, Sinlaku, that hit Taiwan which has cause massive destruction and devastation. Many people lost their lives and millions worth of properties destroy and thank God, we are still here safely. Well, the storm started to cool off on Monday when it hit hard on Saturday and Sunday and by the time we reach Tuesday, the sun was shinning again, to our relief.

Monday 15th Sept 2008 - The 3rd day after the typhoon struck Taiwan. This image was taken from the river near the place i'm staying

Tuesday 16th Sept 2008 - Fourth day after the Sinlaku typhoon hit us. This image shows the same river which i took the picture from.

Wednesday 17th Sept 2008 - 5th day after the typhoon hit us. Same river image but with shinnier morning and calmer water

Thursday 18th Sept 2008 - 6th day after the Sinlaku typhoon hit us.Same river image and we are looking at the original condition of the river. So you can see the difference when the storm hit and then.

By the way, having said about this typhoon, Taiwan, and other part of the world as well, were celebrating Mid Autumn Festival which, coincidently, falls on the same day as the typhoon hitting Taiwan shore. Although Taiwan was having this natural disaster, it never stop its people from celebrating the festival as many can be seen BBQ-ing away in their houses( well, they can't have the BBQ outside right as it was raining at that time ). Although i was not invited to their so called BBQ, but we were celebrating it in our office which we were given a box of Taiwan mooncake by our customer (nice of them to give us, we appretiated it). Although we did not celebrate is as grand as them but then again, we had our fare share on the festival, i think.

A box of Taiwan mooncake

The content of the mooncake. Hungry?

The bus we use to ferry us from our apartment to our office everyday.

Latest offer on our dinner menu. We bought this from the newly opened restaurant near our apartment. A set of this cost us NT$85. Reasonable?

So, last weekend, me and my colleagues went for a ride down south to Kaoshiung for a day trip of freedom and away from work.......
It should be a long ride down from our place but since we decided to go for one day trip only, so, we need to find a fast way method and also the one that suite our pocket and the only method that suites both is.............10 10 10 ............ Taiwan High Speed Rail......... which connect from the North of Taiwan to the South in Kaoshiung.
Anyway, our ride starts from Jhubei (which is in the middle of Taiwan) enroute to Zouying which is the outskirt of Kaoshiung. This journey basically took us exactly 1 hour and 20 minutes and travelling at the speed of 280km/hr in average and the price, well, kinda cheap also for a fast train, NT$2160 for a 2 ways trip.

The front view of the High Speed Rail Station in Xhubei

Inside view of the train station

Taiwan High Speed Rail

Taiwan High Speed Rail - The train itself

Taiwan Hight Speed Train at 280km/h

Kaoshiung Delicacies - Woontoon. Same like wantan in Penang

Kaoshiung - Qing Min Tang Temple

Kaoshiung Dream Mall - Live Performance

Kaoshiung Dream Mall, the biggest mall in the south - Inside View

Kaoshiung Dream Mall - Inside Looks

Kaoshiung Dream Mall - Outside View

Kaoshiung Love River - The boat that i took which cost NT$90 per ride

Kaoshiung Love River - A ride down memory lane. There are 21 bridges across this river and you are looking at one.

Crab, another typhoon is coming and this time is stronger then the last time around which i faced a few weeks room will be flooded again.......crab.......crab........ Anyway, this typhoon, that goes by the name of Jangmi, which is going to hit Taiwan at around 8.30pm tonite (27th September 2008), will be the 15th typhoon to hit Taiwan this year alone......and with wind up to 184kph, it can bring you guys flying.......kekekekekeke and thought to last up to around 2 days........They predicted that this storm will grow to category 3 storm, on 1-5 severity scale that is, that can bring heavy rain and wind..........

Typhoon Jangmi - Picture taken outside of my apartment at 4.00pm local time 27th Sept 2008, hours before the typhoon hit my place.

Typhoon Jangmi - This is my food that would last me for 2 days..... well maybe 2 meals at least........

Typhoon Jangmi - Picture taken outside of my apartment at 10.00am local time 28th Sept 2008, with rain and heavy wind.

Typhoon Jangmi - My room with the water dripping at 3 places.......crab.......

Aiyoo......bloody hell..... one typhoon barely finish......another one is expected to hit Taiwan again. This time, its predicted to hit Taiwan end of this week, 4th October 2008, but what make matter worse is i'm actually scheduled to fly back on the 4th Oct as well.......crab.....crab......crab......

At last, i'm now back in Penang (Malaysia) for my second trip back home from Taiwan.
No typhoon was recorded last weekend and my relieve that is..... coz i was on the plane and believe me.....i don't want to end up in the sea.......kekeke.