Project #2 - Germany => I'm back !!!

6th January 2009
Its that time again where i would be able to look at my favourite nature spectacular event, the snow. I've been looking forward to this trip but then again, after so many mishaps that happen to me during the new year, i intend to end my second trip to Germany with a high note.

Anyway, i'm now in KLIA Airport waiting for my next flight to Dubai from Kuala Lumpur. I have been here for the past 15 hours in KL as we arrive from Penang to KL at 8am flight which only took around 50 minutes. My next flight to Dubai will depart at 12.30am 7th January 2009 (which means i will transit in KL for 16 hours) and will arrive in Dubai at 3.30am local time. I would be transiting in Dubai for the next 6 hours before my flight from Dubai to Munich at around 9am local time and reach Munich 6 hours later. From there, i will proceed with around 1 hour drive to my apartment.
So, the total time I will be taking from Penang to reach Munich should be aroundddddd 34 hours...............i think i will be arriving in Munich in my coffin instead.

After around 6 hours flight from KLIA to Dubai, we finally made it to our second transit stop around 3 something morning local time. I was already half dead as i've coughing like crap in the airplane till i arrive. So you can imagine the crap time the other passangers are having while i'm around......he he he. A tribute to them anyway for being nice to me..........
Anyway, Dubai International Airport in Terminal 3 was actually a new one as they have only recently built it. I would say its a great one and this is the next airport after KLIA that i think is tourist friendly as they take English as their common language to deal around. So, basically, we would not have any issue to walk around the complex unaided to say the least. Even al the signboard are at least in English.

KL near Sungei Wang Plaza which we went to do our shopping in our 1st stop.
In KLIA where we tried to kill the 4 hours over there but i think it killed me instead.

In flight entertainment system in Emirates Airline. Not bad to say the least
Dubai International Airport. The the Terminal 3. Here, we waited for 6 hours transit time.

Dubai International Airport.
Dubai International Airport.

Dubai International Airport. The waiting bay
Dubai International Airport.

From Dubai to Munich, the trip took another 6 hours and 45 minutes and by the time we reach Munich, it was already 12.45pm local time. By the time we got to our apartment by taxi, it was already 3 something. So, you can imagine this kind of journey which lasted almost 2 was my worst nightmare............

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