Project #3 - Neiwan + Digital Sky

22nd May 2010
Neiwan, one of the scenic place to be in when you are around Hsinchu. This is a place i've been when i was previously here in Taiwan, which is about 1 and half year back. So, when i got the chance to go back to Taiwan again, Neiwan surely be one of the place i would want to visit again. Surely enough, my first place to visit over the weekend was Neiwan but this time, we planned to go further ........... up.

From the motel, its just a mere 10 minutes walk to the train station and this is the best mode of transport to go there as we will be arriving at the door step of Neiwan itself when the train stops. Basically, the train has a one hour interval departure time and it only cost you TW$18 a way. This mode of transport also the best way as its more comfortable and it will only take you around 40 minutes to reach your destination.

Project #3 - Car Motel, Jhudong

16th May 2010
It looks like any other motel but this place hold a special theme to everyone around, at least to the local people. What is so special about a motel which look like any other motel?..... Well, i give you a super clue, it's consider as a scandalous motel. What gives this motel it's current reputation is that, normally people go to this motel for some intimate process/activity that involve none legitimate couple like someone's else husband or wife being together. This motel has it's own cover car park, and not only that, they are giving you the whole garage to yourself. Meaning, when you manage to park your car inside, you can lower down the door and get out of the car without anyone able to see who's inside the car..... which mean you are save to do anything after that.

Project #3 - Taiwan Arrival

16th May 2010
Another trip, same destination, different experience but nonetheless, its something I always look forward to. 
To have this trip again after so long is really refreshing, to my work at least but family wise, its something of a sacrifice. After a horrific experience in a hostel which was provided by the customer, we took initiative to rent a motel instead this time. Why can't i stay in a hotel you may ask, well, there is no hotel here in Jhudong, motel is the best place you can bargain for to have a great and comfy stay.

Let me recap a little bit. I set out from Penang and transit in Singapore where I took Silk Air which depart at 10.15am and arrive in Changi Airport at approximately 11.40am. My next plane from Singapore to Taiwan was actually 1.15pm and therefore, i have around 1 hour to wonder about in one of the best airport in the world, not to mention the cheapest duty free zone in Asia.