First Business Trip - Shanghai

Shanghai, a magnificient place to ponder. With more than 18 million people , it is one of the most populous and most developed city in the Republic Of China.

Well, i got the chance to visit that marverlous side under a business trip on the 12th March 2007 and i was there for about a week........1 fantastic week. It was my first trip outside of Malaysia just for your information.

Anyway, i took off from Penang at night which i transitted in KL before flying to Shanghai in the middle of the night. I reach Shanghai at around 6.00am which the flight itself took 5 hours.

On The Plane To Shanghai - Arriving

Upon Arriving at Shanghai Airport

We were whisk away in 2 company vans (we have 6 people with altogether) and half an hour later, we arrived at our hotel, the Green Garden Hotel which is located in the heart of Pudong district (For your information, Shanghai is devided into 2 sections by a river called Huangpu River with the west bank known as Puxi while the east side is called Pudong), a walking distance away from Shanghai Metro rapid-transit system.

By the way, we started work only on Monday but somehow, our plane reached Shanghai on Sunday morning, so, we kinda, have the whole day to go ourselves and therefore, we decided we could go around Shanghai for a while........if that is possible. 7 days there and i enjoy every minute of it besides working that is. The weather.......simply 10 degrees celcius. Imagine how cold it was. At nite, it can go down to 5 degrees only.

On The Road To Hotel - Maglev Track Above

Shanghai - Pudong District

Shanghai - Pudong District

Me - In Front Of The Hotel

The first day when we arrive, we dump our bags at the hotel and off we go to have or breakfast coz we are really hungry already. Fortunately, there is a shop in front of the hotel which sells all those breakfast stuff............kekekeke..........After that, for our first stop.... People's Sqaure at the middle of Shanghai........and its damn nice. We can see lot of buildings, shop lots, shop houses,muzeum and of course.......people......lots of them.

Our Breakfast

Me and my colleague accross the road from the hotel

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