Project #2 - Burghausen, Germany => The Arrival

21st November 2008
So.....after 3 weeks of sunny hot weather in Penang, i'm off to another project which currently, will bring me to cloudy/rainy season of Burghausen which located in Germany, 2 hours drive from Munich. For your information, they are expecting snow anytime soon and the temperature there now will bring you between -3C to 5C. So please take note that you are going to freeze to death of you don't wear proper attire.

Anyway, me and my colleague will take the plane from Penang to Bangkok 1st before heading to Munich airport and this time around, we are going to fly with Thai Airlines which suppose to be not bad at all, as so people said that is. The flight from Penang to Bangkok will take us around 1 hour and 40 min while the one from Suvarnabhumi Int Airport to Munich will take us around 12 hours and this does not include the transit time when we are in Bangkok which will take us at least 5 hours idling there. After that, we are going to take around 2 hours taxi ride from Munich Airport to our final destination of Burghausen, which is to the border of Austria. So, this whole trip will cost us at least 20 hours long hour journey but since this is my 1st time there, to hell with it right....... kekekeke.

Anyway, before you go to Germany, please make sure u bring suitable clothing but that is not the main issue here, make sure you remember to prepare all those necessary plug adapter that you might want to use there since we all depend on electronics gadgets nowdays. Below is the image of the plug adapter that you are expecting to use over there:

Now i'm in Suvarnabhumi Airport in Bangkok and the local time is 12.48pm with our Malaysia time at 1.48pm. I'm now basically sitting and relaxing in the lounge for GoldCard Member from Kris Flyers and fuh, the place is not bad at all. Got free food to eat and free drinks ranging from non alcoholic beverages to alholic beverages. Well, i don't want to make myself stuff with all thos food as at 2.10pm local time, i will be boarding the plane to Munich. Pictures below tells you the journey i took from Penang till where i'm sitting now.

On the plane to Bangkok for the next flight. You are looking at Penang Island

The food on the plane. No goooooooooood......!

Suvarnabhumi Airport- Outside View

Suvarnabhumi Airport- Inside View

Suvarnabhumi Airport- VIP Lounge

Suvarnabhumi Airport- VIP Lounge

21st November 2008
After sit for 6 hours in Bangkok airport, we board the next plane to Munich at around 2.10pm local time. For this kind of long haul flight, we get around 2 full meals to cover the whole journey, one for lunch and another one for dinner. 11 hours and 40 minutes is not a small duration to be on the plane as its tiring and all but then again, being able to see the himalayas as well as spectacular view outside make all the fatigue went away. So, if you guys manage to take a plan from Malaysia to Munich, remember to take the window seating ok. Once i reach Munich Airport at around 7.45pm, we were wisk away on a taxi to Burghausen which took us around 1 hour 20 minutes journey and by the time i arrive in my apartment, it was around 9 something pm.

On the plane from Bangkok to Munich - The 1st Food (Salmon) so only

On the plane from Bangkok to Munich - The 2nd Food (Lamb)......this one terrible

On the plane from Bangkok to Munich - Outside view over India

On the plane from Bangkok to Munich - Outside View over Turkministan

Snow comes down occasionally these few days and it started about 2 days back and when i woke up this morning around 4am local time, it was snowing and that was my first
witness to the majestic event of life itself. Well, i can say that it was quite cold outside but since i was feeling the heat of all the excitement outside, i could not feel the numbness of cold at all. It was a great experience and i definately enjoy it and i hope you guys would too if have the chance.

The view outside my apartment window

The view outside my apartment window

Our breakfast which covers meat, vege as well as nice drinks. The meat or what you can see is the ham is quit cheap. One packet, 12 slices, cost about EURO$0.80

The view outside my apartment garden.

A view from in front of our apartment where we stayed.

A view from one of the apartment window

A view from one of the apartment window a day before.

Office View from one of the office window

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